Acupuncture for Headaches and Migraines
Heel Pain Cure
Heel Pain Cure
I am facing the Issue of Heel Pain for the last 2 Months & consulted so many qualified doctors of many reputed Hospitals like Apollo, Kailash & such many but have not gotten rid of my pain. Consumption of many medicines as suggested by respected doctors, no relief from chronic pain. Because of My Pain, I am a little bit frustrated as I do not get any way out of my pain. I pray to God for anyhow plz heal my pain as it’s not bearable. Due to this, I am not able to focus at my workplace & totally diverted by this severe Pain.
But one day one miracle happen & with the help of Google, I consulted Dr BS Taneja Sir & visit their clinic for healing the same & after meeting him His polite nature & treating style has been boosted my confidence.
Single treating I have to get 50 % relief from my existing Pain.
So thanks to God & Thanks to Dr.B.S.Taneja Sir for such miracle Healing.
So I strongly recommend to all of you Plz consult Dr.B.S.Taneja for any pain relief.
He has the master of all the healing of any Pain that has been raised in your body.
Acupuncture Acupressure, Noida
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Dr. B. S. Taneja M.D.Acu Gold Medalist
Gold Medal to Dr.B.S.Taneja was awarded by Mrs.Renuka Chowdhary Honorable Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare Govt. of India New Delhi on the eve of 2nd World Congress of Complementary Healing Systems Jan 16th to18th in 1998. I.M.A. hall I.P. Estate, New Delhi, India.
Acupuncture Therapy Cure Acute Slip Disc L4-L5
Acute Slip Disc L4-L5
Finance Department. Finance department requires more sitting and it
becomes strenuous during quarter closing periods. This sitting requirement,
incorrect posture and irregular proper exercise caused me to suffer from hip
pain problem. I consulted doctor and he gave me medicine and the problem was
aggravating day by day. One fine day I drove back to my home by car. It
was not paining badly and I slept as I was tired during the day.
it was a great shock to me that I couldn’t stand up on my feet. My legs
were not taking any strength and I just balled down on the bed. My total life
took a turn and nothing was of any worth and urgent and I was praying God to
grant me strength so that I can stand up on my feet. I was helpless. In
such a moment, you need to have blessed with a good doctor. I contacted
my near dears for a good doctor who can provide me immediate and right
Orthopedist who provide personal attention and got done immediate MRI.
The MRI revealed that there was slip disc at L4-L5 and some diffusion at L1-L2.
He diagnosed that I might had some jerk which led this slip disc. Still I
do no remember about any jerk I had except that I was suffering from backache
and doing excess sitting. He gave me four injections on the same day and counseled
me that you will be cured within a week. My problem became worse day by
day and I was unable to move side on bed and could not eat with my hands. I
apprised the doctor on fifth day about my condition then he advised me to get
admitted in hospital where I will be put on injection and traction. I had heard
a lot about treatment in hospitals so I thought to go for a second opinion. In
the meantime, my boss advised me that this problem can be cured by Acupuncture
therapy (for which I had not heard so far). Anyway I went to another
orthopedics in a hospital and he didn’t gave much attention and prescribed some
medicine and physiotherapy. I attended the session of physiotherapy and
submitted payment for providing service at my home as it was a very difficult
task to enter into car and treatment place. In car I just rolled down on
the back and in hospital I was to move on stretcher. After three days of
medicine and physiotherapy, I found myself in more worse condition and I was
craving to just stand and walk because it was very painful even to attend
natural calls. A man in problem always seek someone who can provide him
another doctor and he advised to get admitted in hospital. I got admitted
and they gave me pain killer injections and started glucose drop. I was
more restless as the hip pain did not allow me to sleep even for a minute on
that night. In the morning doctor advised me not to move from bed even
for your natural calls and just keep lie down on the bed. The soft bed made my
condition more worse than I was at home. When I was told to attend my
natural calls also at bed, I realized that I have become handicapped even for it.
Then the voice of my boss echoed in my ear that acupuncture can treat this
problem and allopathy has only pain killers, physiotherapy and the last resort
is operation. I immediately got myself forcible discharged.
During the past days, I had searched online about a good acupuncturist in Noida
and pinned down on Dr BS Taneja. While returning from hospital to home, I rang
up Dr Taneja first time and requested him to visit my home in the evening.
solaced from his balanced and sincere personality. He apprised that he
has treated such cases and has 32 years experience. He started the treatment as
I had a case of my boss whose relation got cured from such problem. After
ten days my problem was not improved but I had a faith in acupuncture because I
had no other option. My family and other relatives forced me to get opinion
from a good ortho-surgeon. I contacted a famous ortho-surgeon of a famous
Delhi hospital. He advised me to go for epidural steroid injection in my
backbone. I learn about the bad side effects of steroid injection and I
did not go for it. I continued the treatment and requested the doctor to
start the treatment two times a day. Slowly slowly the pain intensity and
duration of pain started reducing.
that I will be completely alright and can start my routine office duties.
After 25 days treatment, my pain was almost gone but the muscle weakness was
there and I was not able to stand or walk more than 2 minutes. I relied
on the treatment. The confident advice of doctor played a key role and it
motivated my confidence daily. This problem was also gone and without any
epidural injection and traction, I got alright and started going to officer
after total 45 days leave. I continued treatment thereafter and then on
alternate days, though I didn’t have pain, just to give full treatment to the
optimum satisfaction.
doctor’s sincere and humane approach. One most particular thing about the
doctor is that he is so diligent and devoted to his service to patients that he
does the job for 364 days in a year. He takes holiday only on Holi and on
all days he is serving the patients. I remember one dialogue that if patient is
suffering, how can I take leave because he needs me more and I am answerable to
the Almighty. One more his statement keeps me inspiring that if you do
not charge your mobile, your mobile will become useless. Hence daily in
the morning you are to charge your body for minimum 45 minutes and you move all
your joints. Charge you body and you will remain charged for the whole
day. He must be about 64 years – Hats off to devotion and energy that
often he visited my home after 10.15 pm for my treatment.
professionals who are devoted and sincere towards their profession and Dr
Taneja is one of them.
Sahib. My pain and feelings cannot be described in words. I am
thankful that I got alright with acupuncture treatment which is completely
Living life with zest
Living life with zest
Acupuncture Effects
acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force —
known as qi or chi (chee) — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in
your body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians,
acupuncture practitioners believe that your energy flow will re-balance.
Therapy being used for different disease & conditions. During treatment I
have seen some miraculous changes which are being explained.
Effects Eyesight Improved
former Judge, High Court Allahabad, called me for backache treatment. He was
suffering from Osteoporosis of spine.
effect of Acupuncture happened i.e. patient’s eye sight improved
because of common Acupuncture point on his back stimulated to give muscular
relaxation which is used in case of Diminished Vision condition.
O.P Garg’s Comments
“Along with the major problem there was an
improvement in my eyesight due to the effect of the treatment I was taking. I
have a poor eye sight since i was young and i have been using high power
reading glasses. In the due course of the said treatment i found that my sight
was improving gradually at this age of seventy and there were no explanations
by the optician for this development. ”
“ Now I Can Play Golf ”
Dear Dr. Taneja,
I had, on medical advice, stopped playing Golf which
has been my ardent passion for the last more than a year but
now you will be delighted to know that I have again resumed the game with full vigor.
It has been due to your expertise and deep knowledge in the field of Acupuncture.
devotion, sincerity and concern in your mission to ensure the welfare of your
patients. I have defied the suggestion of undergoing major and hazardous
surgery which was said to be immediate only on account of my unflinching faith
in Acupuncture therapy.
Mrs. Sheela Krishna age 61 years came to my clinic, suffering from Cervical Spondylosis
and Hypertension. Her
neck pain due to cervical spondylosis radiate from shoulder to elbow
During treatment for cervical spondylosis
she got relief in hypertension condition because of common acupuncture points
used in hypertension and cervical spondylosis. Her hypertension medication
reduced substantially.
Tendonitis Miraculous Acupuncture Effects Cure Only After Eight Days
daily for 7 to 8 hours for the last 4 Years.
Suchit came for Acupuncture
treatment at our Clinic “Psycho Acupuncture &
Medicare Center”,
Thank you for all your help during the Treatment of Thumb Tendinitis. I was
suffering from Thumb Tendonitis for past six months getting Acupuncture
Physiotherapy done for last three months. When I first contacted you around a
month & half back I was feeling 75-80% relief in my pain by Acupuncture.
results I have received just after first week of Acupuncture. The pain just
vanished in one week & now its been close to one month & I do not feel
any pain at all in the Thumb. I am thankful for you for the precise Acupuncture
treatment. I will recommend you & Acupuncture in future.
treated for Headache feel that his hearing loss improved dramatically during
acupuncture therapy for headache. When being treated for headache his auditory nerve get stimulation is the reason behind this
Acupuncture Effects
Breast lump cure
treated for Peptic ulcer feel her multiple breast lumps which were there for the
last 2 yrs disappear during Acupuncture Therapy.
Neuralgia for the past 7 Yrs only on the Left Side of face. Allopathic
medicine given with no results. Patient getup in the night with acute pain 6 to
7 times in the night. This painful condition is so terrible that some times
patient’s blood pressure rises above 140/90.
treatment she says 50% improvement in intensity & frequency of pain.
her mother’s improvement given below:-
is cured 98%. Slight pain is there near her lower jaw side. Once this pain is
gone we can say she is 100% cure and this we are sure would go in the coming
days. She is being given some medicines by Dr.Taneja along with the treatment
of acupuncture. Since she is better now those medicines and the dosage is also decreased.
She started with thrice daily now she takes twice daily.
We would like to share this with who ever reads this that’s if someone is
suffering from this ailment please give it a try of acupuncture and see the
difference. I would 100% recommend Dr. B.S Taneja’s clinic for any pain related
Thanks & Regards