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Pain in Joints – Testimonials

Dear Sir,
Greetings for the day, I hope this mail finds you in the best of health.
I am really grateful and thankful to you for the treatment you had administered on me.
I was suffering from severe pain in the back of my neck and in my leg joints. With my age being 68 years it was very difficult to even do the day to day essential works. I was not able to stand and walk because of the joint pain. Even sitting was very difficult as whenever I tried to sit my neck starting paining heavily and I have to stand up or else lie down.
I tried all the medicines and many doctors in alopathic and homeopathic. But none of them was successful in controlling or even decreasing the pain.
Then I decided to come to Noida, where my Son and daughter-in-law live, for further treatment. During the first few days of stay in Noida, my son got the reference of yours, Dr. B. S. Taneja. He came to know from various sources that you specialize in the cure of acute and chronic pains through acupuncture.
My son decided to consult you. Even I had strongly believed in acupuncture and since that very first day, when we first visited your clinic in Noida, the results of the treatment started showing and there was gradual and continued improvement in pain. Dr. You have been very supportive and understanding. You even started coming to my home for administering the treatment as my condition did not allow me to travel daily.
Within first 20 sittings I started feeling much better. I also again started taking morning and evening walks. The pain was reduced by 60%.
In the next 10 + 10 sittings, my pain was reduced by almost 80 – 85%.
Your treatment has been like a wonder drug for me. And the best part was that the treatment did not have any side effects.
Dr. I really feel short of words for showing my gratitude for the treatment given by you.
I thank you very much.
I would like to remain in touch with you for ever and would feel proud to refer my friends and relatives to you.
Thanking you.
Yours truly,
C. S. Chauhan

0 thoughts on “Pain in Joints – Testimonials”

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    Dr Itua Contact Information:::
    Email (drituaherbalcenter@gmai.com)

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