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Acupuncture for Headaches and Migraines


Chronic migraine often has a significant impact on a
person’s quality of life, lasting for months, years, or even decades. The
duration of chronic migraine varies from person to person.

Types of Migraine

According to the International Classification of Headache
Disorders (ICHD-3), the two most common migraine types are migraine with aura (common migraine symptoms) and migraine
without aura
. Essentially the only difference is that one includes
migraine attacks that have aura and the other doesn’t.

The other common characterization of these migraine types is
episodic or chronic, which is distinguished by the frequency of headache days.

Then there are also subtypes that are distinguished by
specific types of symptoms, like migraine aura without headache, migraine with
brainstem aura (formerly called basilar-type migraine), hemiplegic migraine, and retinal

Chronic Migraine

Chronic migraine attacks are characterized by 15 or more
headache days per month for more than three months. Headache may be
migraine-like or tension-type-like, but it has the characteristics of a
migraine at least eight days per month. Chronic migraine is often disabling.

Migraine attacks can be with or without aura, and they
usually require preventive medications and behaviors to keep them under
control. After stopping medication, about half of chronic migraine patients
revert to episodic migraine and half do not.                                 

4 Stages of a Migraine

A migraine attack can be divided into four phases:

The prodromal phase refers to the hours or even days
preceding the headache. The symptoms that occur during this phase are also
referred to as premonitory symptoms.

The aura phase refers to visual, sensory, language, or motor
symptoms that typically precede headache, but may also accompany it.

The postdrome phase, often referred to as the migraine
“hangover,” refers to the time during which symptoms of a migraine
attack persist even after the headache pain has resolved.

Certain triggers make it more likely for a migraine headache
to occur. These are some of the most common triggers:

  • Alcohol consumption
  • Caffeine use
  • Hormonal
  • Flashing
  • Loud sounds
  • Strong
  • High levels
    of stress
  • Food
  • Poor sleep
  • Weather
  • Medications
  • Processed
  • Artificial

for Migraines

SCANNING to find out the root cause

Acupuncture is widely
used for managing migraine
, especially for drug-refractory patients.
The goals of acupuncture are usually 2-fold: relief of pain during migraine
(acute effect) and prevention of future migraine attacks (long-term

Acupuncture exhibited
persistent, superior, and clinically relevant benefits for migraine prevention
reducing the migraine frequency, number of days with migraine, and pain
intensity to a greater degree.

Reasons to Get
Acupuncture for Migraines

One way to seek relief is by reaching for drugs and other
medications. Unfortunately, common medications do not address the root causes
and can cause unwanted side effects when used over long periods of time. Common
side effects of medications are sleepiness and fatigue, racing heartbeat,
nausea, difficulty thinking, and trouble functioning.

Acupuncture has been
proven to relieve migraine pain.
This is the number one reason why people seek acupuncture. Thousands of
studies have shown acupuncture treatments can effectively relieve and reduce
pain for acute and chronic pain. When acupuncture is combined with chiropractic
care, the results can be instant and even longer-lasting.

Acupuncture reduces
  While migraines
are not completely understood, it is agreed upon by most professionals any
headache involves some sort of inflammatory response by the body. Acupuncture
promotes the release of vascular and immune-mediating factors that actually
decrease inflammation.

Acupuncture can reduce
serotonin levels.
is a chemical the body produces. Many scientists and neurologists believe
serotonin may be linked to triggering migraines. Because acupuncture can be
used for preventive medicine, it can also help to balance serotonin levels on a
long-term basis. Thus you may have less frequent migraine attacks.

Acupuncture can help
with the symptoms of migraines.
Acupuncture can treat not only pain but also the symptoms of migraines.
Studies have shown symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and vomiting can all be
reduced with regular treatments.

Acupuncture improves
blood circulation.
  When you experience pain, it is
because of a lack of proper blood flow and decreased oxygen. This is as true
for migraines as any other type of pain. Acupuncture can improve blood
circulation, which also increases the amount of oxygen that reaches the

Acupuncture Provides
Fast Pain Relief.
  Yes. There is an effective, natural
treatment that is clinically proven to provide fast relief and long-term

N.B:- Proper
assessment: Before anything can be done to help you with your health issue, you
need to be properly assessed to find the best course of action. This means
taking the time to thoroughly examine you and asking you a series of questions
to understand exactly the type of treatment that you need.  

Every person
will have to be assessed with
  to find out the root cause.


Cluster headache 

headache is a very painful type of headache. It usually occurs in periods of
frequent attacks known as clusters. Cluster headaches can wake people from
sleep. These headaches cause intense pain in or around one eye on one side of
the head.


A migraine
is a headache that can cause severe throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation,
usually on one side of the head. It’s often accompanied by nausea, vomiting,
and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

Sinus Headache

headaches can be caused by sinus congestion and inflammation, called sinusitis.
Sinusitis, in turn, is caused by either a respiratory infection, such as a cold
or flu, or allergies, like hay fever. Healthy sinuses allow mucus to drain and
air to circulate throughout the nasal passages. 

Tension headaches

headaches are dull pain, tightness, or pressure that can feel like a clamp
squeezing your skull. They’re also called stress headaches, and they’re the
most common type for adults.

TMJ Headache

The muscles
of the TMJ run along your jaw and cheeks, and sometimes these muscles can cause
pain even headaches. When the muscles in your jaw tense up — like when you
grind your teeth — the pain can spread to other TMJ muscles alongside your
cheeks and on the sides and top of your head, causing a headache.

To know more or if you want to discuss your case call and fix an 

Appointment @ +91 9818098372 with 

Dr. B.S. Taneja MD, Acu. 

Has been an Acupuncturist since 1985 in Sector-12, Noida.

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